No Shame

Life is too short to take yourself too seriously. Every now and then (or all the time) I say let your hair down and just have fun. I can not live my life based upon what others may think of me, so I choose to live a joyful and fulfilling life, having more fun than I can explain. With that being said, I present to you a masterpiece, really.

Actually, no, its a gift. Or rather an invitation to be silly, have a good time and stop taking yourself so seriously:

***This song is “Give Your Heart a Break” by Demi Lovato. I do not own the rights to this song.**

And a wonderful week it has been…..

Well blog friends, it has been a great week….it has flown by with so much going on which was just fine with me because I was in countdown mode for my fabulous Rachael to be here!! We have had so much fun in the 48 hours she has been here so far. She bore the pain of Thursdays in class with me…bless her heart. No one should have to take on those 9 hours of class. What a trooper. But after class, we just pulled over and hung out at the Lincoln Memorial until about 12:45ish this morning. It was so peaceful at night because there weren’t many people around and the weather was fabulous. Theres just such a sweet peace of having a bestie here with me. She needs to move here forever. I’m not going to go through every picture or give an explanation for each one like I usually do. But just a couple of highlights above: The sun can do some beautiful work after a storm, Baked & Wired is a fantastic place for pastries in Georgetown but cupcakes are NOT their thing. Stick to Sprinkles. Rach and I have made multiple trips to Old Navy and I walked away from our first trip with these adorable slippers (although I’m inclined to wear them in public). I’ve had my eye on some Uggs of the same type that are over a $100 which is just ridiculous and why I don’t own them. Well these gems from Old Navy were just a small fraction of the price and way more comfortable! WIN! And yes, we’re in DC. There is a plethora of things to do and see but that last photo is how we spent our Friday night after going to the movies to see Pitch Perfect (which is FANTASTIC and hilarious). We got all the ingredients for one heck of a spread, eating all aristocratically with wine and various cheeses…just scrumptious.

While I don’t know everything this weekend will hold as we are very live in the moment, do what we want when we want kind of ladies, the 2 things I know will be happening without a doubt: conveyor belt sushi and the making of an epic music video. Stay Tuned : )

Blessings to you all!

Celebrating a Fighter

I come from a long line of fighters. Strong men and women in my family who fight for what they believe, fight for those they love, and yes, even for their lives.

The woman you see here did the latter. My pawpaw passed away in October 2004; his body simply couldn’t recover from the surgery that was meant to take his cancer away. That was a really difficult time because to be honest, I kind of thought he was immortal. To see a man who was such a pillar of strength in our family be wittled away by disease did a number on my heart. But in the end, we knew that was the Lord’s healing for Him and I know I will see him again.

I have one remaining grandparent; the other three have gone onto to Glory. This woman you see is my dad’s mom. Her name is Sarah, but you can call her mawmaw. She has this incredible way of making every person that she meets feel at home and would literally invite a stranger off the street into her home for food and shelter. She makes the best friend chicken and rice and gravy you will ever taste in your life and she lives for her family.

In March of 2005, yes just months after the passing of my pawpaw, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. You can imagine that was not an easy season for my family. To say we’re not a fan of cancer is an understatement. However, she went through treatment and surgery and in 2010 was cleared completely.

I write to you celebrating the life of woman who is cancer free for 7 years now. I celebrate the life of this fighter and am thankful for the legacy of strong spirits that I have in my family. This disease has claimed the life of too many woman and I praise God hers was spared.

I hope you get the chance to meet her one day because she really is fabulous.

Week in Review!

 Days and weeks just tend to scoot on by these you ever want to scream “SLOW DOWN!!!”? Fridays seem to keep approaching just as I finished writing my last week in review post! This week has been pretty darn good with the exception of a terrible case of the Mondays. But in this rainy Friday evening, I look back with gratitude for some big steps I took personally.
In reality, they’re not giant steps for mankind or anything but they were small victories. The biggest was my critique last night…I got a really great response from my professor and it just felt really nice to hear that I was doing something right. A little affirmation goes a really long way. I feel really good about proceeding with my project and that I’m finally going in the right direction. My other small victory was putting myself out there to get some video footage for my advanced multimedia class. It’s such a stark contrast to the beginning of the semester where I couldn’t even lift my camera to my face and now I am choosing to walk up to strangers or pull my car over if I see something interesting. There is still much bravery to grow but I am so thankful for little victories along the way.
1. I’m sure the last thing I need in my life is another commitment. However I have been given an incredible opportunity to work with the yearbook students at the Duke Ellington school for the arts in Georgetown. Have you seen Step Up? It’s like the high school straight out of that movie. I love it. I am not the primary yearbook leader but hopefully with my involvement this year, specifically with the photography students, I will walk straight into the role as leader next fall. At the first meeting I went to, I was surprised yet not surprised with how at ease I was with these students. I am just really excited about the possibility of growth and relationships there.
2. If you ever watch the TLC, you may be familiar with a show called DC Cupcakes, which takes place here is Georgetown at Georgetown Cupcake. On any given day there is a line out the door…so finally I had a moment to try what is supposed to be the best cupcake in DC. Ya know, I had mixed feelings. I tried the chocolate peanut butter cup with peanut butter buttermilk icing. The cake itself was just scrumptious; there was a little too much icing for my taste. But none the less, delicious. If you ever find yourself in Georgetown, I highly recommend Sprinkles or Baked and Wired.
3. Learning lighting. No big deal. My classes are AWESOME! (overwhelming and sometimes a massive overload of information but still fabulous)
4. My sweet kindred taught me about the joys of stopping to enjoy a piece of college and not rushing to devour it. I don’t do this with all chocolate. Just with Ghirardelli dark chocolates. Its actually quite a tragedy because WalMart and lots of grocery stores don’t sell the dark chocolate anymore. So imagine my delight when I happened upon them at a local grocery store. It’s quite a treat to eat one so I don’t want to rush it. Also, since I’m trying to limit my chocolate and unhealthy intake, I want to enjoy every moment. I have to get back in the habit of having my little corner where I just completely zone out and eat my chocolate.
5. Isn’t this tree GORGEOUS!?!? It looks like its on fire. I literally pulled over to take a picture of it. Fall is just fabulous up in these parts.
6. Once upon a time I put some sweet potato fries in the oven to bake. Then My Breath called and I got distracted. I returned to the kitchen and realized I had scorched my dinner. Whoopsie Daisy. I was really looking forward to those fries too.
7. Last Friday, my roommate Megan and I made it little trip up to her parent’s house in Maryland, not too far from Baltimore. We woke up early Saturday morning to head back because she had class and I had work but let me tell you…I was NOT prepared for frost on my windshield!! Not cool. I have a feeling this winter is going to be like none I have experienced before. I hope it snows!!
8. I really love this little giraffe necklace. Also, this was the first day I got to wear my peacoat!! (it wasn’t really necessary but I enjoyed it : )
9. I got the sweetest Halloween card from my kindred the other day. Halloween is her favorite holiday. And you all know how I feel about mail.
I realize this is a day late but let me tell yall…I slept for about 10 hours last night and it. was. AMAZING. I little squealed when I read my schedule last night and saw that I didn’t have to be at work until 1:00 today. Hallelu. This past week was the Washington Parish Free Fair  at home and while I can’t say I would’ve gone if I were home, it floods my mind with memories as I read on FB as everyone is there. There is just something about remembering the things you grew up on. Amazing memories. Be blessed this weekend!

Sending Some Fall Your Way

I know I’ve mentioned these two things several times, but 1)I love Fall and 2) I LOVE mail…both the sending and receiving….and as I mentioned in my baking post, I’ve been blessed with lots of friends who unfortunately are not where I can scoot to visit in my car. So I decided to send a little love via packages of care. There are so many people with whom this season is a shared experience of memories and I wanted to send a little piece of the Fall I’m experiencing now for them to have a piece of. So I thought I’d break down some key elements that I love to include in packages. If I’m being quite honest, the packaging part is just as fun for me!

But first, to recap a couple of items from the whole picture above, I just wanted to say that yes, that is a real life baby pumpkin…cutest little thing you ever did see. And that candle is my favorite for Fall…its Mulled Cider…$1 at WalMart and will make your entire house smell of Heaven

My biggest disappointments with sending baked goods is that the receiver doesn’t get it straight out of the oven and that packaging can sometimes be limited since one must preserve the freshness first and foremost. I tried my best to not forgo one for the other. After I let my loafs cool (because you never want to wrap a still hot piece of bread or cookie), I wrapped it in saran wrap. I made sure no parts were exposed to air so it wouldn’t dry out. Then it was the perfect size for a medium sized glassine bag (a supply list will be at the bottom of this post!) I bought a yard of burlap at WalMart and had some twine on hand, as one always should.

Ok first of all, you can’t have fall without candy corn. It is just little pieces of sugary goodness that melts in your mouth. So I found it crucial to include in my fall package. Are you familiar with washi tape? Let me tell you…it is just fantastic. It is a must when I package, whether larger boxes like this or small items like letters or even gifts. You can find all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors and patterns. I’m a sucker for floral and swooned a bit when I saw this. The great thing is you can use it for SO MANY THINGS! I use it to tape things on my wall (its kind of acts like blue painters tape in that it doesn’t stick to the wall). It actually is a paper tape so its super easy to use and doesn’t leave a residue. When packaging gifts for the mail or otherwise, I always keep some tags on hand. These particular ones came with the stamps you will see in a few pictures but you can find them at Staples and Office Depot. They’re great if you ever get to experience letterpress…I’ll share my tag project with you sometime! I love Glassine bags because of their opaque quality. They’re great for putting cookies in and then sewing closed. Instead of sewing, I just used a little clothes pin instead. I am as amateur as amateur gets with calligraphy but I bought a great set in New Orleans quite a few years back. You can get some great ink in FABULOUS colors at Hobby Lobby for just a couple of dollars as well…take advantage of those 40% off coupons too!!

And what is Chai-der you ask? I’m so glad you asked….my fave little bakery in Georgetown is this little hidden gem called Baked and Wired. Its a refreshing detour from more popular chains that reside around the corner. Their selections of pastries are FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! Their soccer mom bar is the best. Anywho, in the fall they make this drink. It is hot apple cider mixed with chai tea. I don’t get to enjoy those delicious smelling fall beverages from aforementioned chain coffee shops because to be quite honest, I hate coffee (maybe I’ll tell you story one day about when I applied for a job at a coffee shop and actually said I didn’t like coffee…needless to say I didn’t get a call back). But this drink? This is a drink I can get behind….

I wanted to wrap the box up as cute as I felt I constructed the inside. I pulled over on the side of the road the other day in Georgetown to pick a couple of leaves because I just couldn’t resist the bold color! I safety pinned the burlap on the bottom so it could stay in place but in retrospect I probably should’ve hot glued it closed.

Now the final wrapping is just as important to me as the inside arrangement. This is how the little box will be presented to the world!! Ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic but I just jump on every chance I get to use washi tape and to uniquely distinguish my packages from any other that are going to come through the Post Office that day. I’ve really started embracing imperfection and letting that add character to my packages. So is it ideal that the ink from the stamp is distributed stronger in different places than others? Maybe not. But I like it anyway. I found these stamps last year on one of my FAVORITE blogs and was thrilled when the writer started designing her own stamps (which I would LOVE to do…maybe one day!). I use my “Please Deliver To” stamp all the time and just love the words in the other one. So much truth in one little stamp. I like the way it looks against the kraft paper (my paper of choice with EVERYTHING) and also how it resembles the “fragile” and “first class” stamps that so frequently mark up the outside of our packages.

So there you have it! Below, you can see I have a nice little load to take to the post office before work the next morning!

Here are the links to where I get most of my packaging supplies:

kraft paper boxes and glassine bags

baker’s twine

washi tape here and here

**unfortunately it doesn’t look like the stamps are for sale any more but if I find out they are, I will let you know ASAP. Check out her blog though…you’ll get AMAZING packaging ideas from her!

A Little Taste of Fall…Literally

I’ve been in a bit of a funk the past couple of days. I hate when I recognize it is best that I stay away from people because of said funk. That’s a Kennedy thing, though.

Church was really good this morning, even though it left me super emotional. The message was about community and that is something I long for here. I am so thankful that I’ve met some super fantastic people in all different places, but its really wearing on my soul that I can’t get involved in a small group at my church. I need that type of community; Christ centered friendships that speak truth into my life. I’ve been so blessed with those type of friendships throughout my life…the ones that sharpen the iron of my heart and point me straight toward my God.

There are a few things that can shake my funk and I knew that today was the time to call in one of those things. As it turned out, I didn’t get to bake on Friday like I had planned but it’s almost as if God knew I would need that tactic to shake the dust off my soul two days later. So that is what I did.

I baked.

A few weeks ago I pinned this recipe for Pumpkin Cream Bread and thought I would share the process with you all. And let me tell you…it is SCRUMPTIOUS!


Gather your Ingredients:

It is easiest to make the cream cheese mixture first and then set it aside. After your cream cheese is at room temperature, mix all the ingredients together in a bowl:

Blend on high with an electric mixer until nice and creamy:

***Just a side note: this mixture is DELICIOUS and ADDICTIVE so keep tasting fingers away. If there is any left over, it is great with apples. Then it becomes healthy ; )

Set cream cheese topping aside and gather up ingredients for the base of the bread.

Whisk eggs and brown sugar together until fluffy. When finished, mix in the oil, pumpkin puree and vanilla. (I forgot to take a picture of this step but don’t worry….it wasn’t an appetizing mixture)

In a separate bowl, sift together the remaining dry ingredients:

Once mixed well, stir in slowly to pumpkin mixture:

I actually doubled this recipe and was able to make 5 loaves. I potentially could have made it stretch across 6 loaves if I needed to. I used those mini loaf pans that are 5 3/4 in. long, 3 in wide, and 2 in. deep. First pour the pumpkin mixture in first:

and then top with the cream cheese mixture:


Pop into oven for:

I decided to add an extra 5 minutes when the buzzer *dinged* just for safe measure.

Let sit in pan for a few minutes before transferring to a drying rack:


And lastly,


It was quite scrumptious and if you’re in the baking mood, give this one a try. Sometimes we just need to set other things aside and do the thing that is good for our soul, ya know?

Have a blessed, funk-less week folks!

Apartment Tour Preview

I just wanted to include a little peak into our little apartment by showing a quick DIY from this afternoon. Before I left Texas, I found this curvy little lamp at a thrift like store for $10 and purchased it with hopes of revamping it. It originally was this dark reddish wood color but we painted it neutral before moving because I wasn’t sure what type of furniture and decorations my roomies would have. Well now that we’re sprucing up a bit, I decided we needed some color…it’s amazing how far a little can of spray paint can take you!


Week in Review!

Guess what….its getting better. This transition? It’s slowly feeling more like my new normal. And I’m loving it. I don’t suppose it is one big thing that is solidifying this existence but rather lots of small things. My roomies and I are continuing to make our place feel more homey and a full apartment tour is coming your way soon. It was silly to think that would come together immediately. I guess the home-ier it gets, the more it feels exactly that: home. Not home in the way that Piney Branch Road is but my mid-twenties self, still navigating life kind of way. Classes aren’t getting easier nor work slowing down at all, however I’m starting to get my groove back. Like Stella.

There are still lots of things I feel in disarray that I am trying to reign in more. One day at a time, though. One day at a time. Believe it or not I couldn’t wait to go through critique tonight because I couldn’t wait to get my classmate’s feedback. Since this post is making it to the webiverse a bit early, perhaps I will share a little about my Story and Narrative assignment tomorrow. I have  a long way to go but man does it feel good to have a camera in my hand. I really felt like I was broken when I got here, with the sheer inability to put finger to shutter. Paralyzed by fear, I seriously doubted my ability to even begin. Praise the Lord for helping me overcome that hurdle.

I blessed with the gift of three days off this week. And while two of those included class, I’ve been able to get lots of work done in addition to my studies. And tomorrow I intend to do some serious baking.

Here are some snapshots from my week:

1. Once upon a time, I woke up and got ready for work and left a good 45 minutes before I had to clock in. I was fully prepared for my 6 mile morning commute that is close to a snails pace. So imagine my surprise when I saw zero brake lights as I entered onto 395 North and arrived to Georgetown in less than 15 minutes. Then it hit me. Columbus Day. Lucky for me, I had time to chitty chat with my parentals and grab a bento box from Starbucks, which worked out since I hadn’t eaten breakfast in an attempt to leave on time. I really need to start putting my phone on the other side of the room because snooze is a pointless feature these days. I just keep pushing it. Perhaps I would have time for breakfast (apparently the most important meal of the day, blah blah blah) if I woke up at the time I originally set my clock for. Shocking Concept, I know.

2. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE getting mail. These packages actually work 2 fold, because not only is it mail for me, but it contains packaging supplies that will allow me to send mail to OTHERS…something I love just as much as receiving mail!

3. I accidentally listened to Christmas music on my way home from work the other day. And even though I try to roll my eyes when I go to Walmart and already see the Christmas decorations out because YES it is way too soon, I can’t help but get a little pitter patter in my heart when I think about this glorious holiday that is not too far away. And considering it may be the last, (no thanks, to the Aztecs by the way) might as well enjoy it a few months early : )

4. As I stumbled to the kitchen as I was waking up, I opened the blinds for a little light and was struck with this remnant of summer blossom before the cold DC winter comes in and steals it away.

5. In college, I lived 5 minutes from Hobby Lobby. Talk about DANGER on my meager freshman budget, especially with those kick butt deals and my craft-prone existence. Imagine my heartache when I discovered the nearest was all the way in Maryland, a good 45 minutes away. Well, on my first day off this week, I drove my happy self straight to Maryland. It felt like I was going home as I passed under the ever familiar signage that leads me to a land that meets all of my craftastic needs. Worth every mile.

6. Just a little drive by shooting. Driving by these monuments never gets old, in case you were wondering. Sorry if they get old to your viewing eye…they’re probably going to appear many more times. I will take just a second to speak about something you may see in several of this weeks photos. For the past few weeks, my Hipstamatic app on my phone has not been working. In an Instagram obsessed world, I will choose Hipstamatic any day. All of the week in review pics I post are taken with my iPhone, so I prefer to stick to my fave app to bring you those photos. I love Hipstamatic most because you choose the settings BEFORE you take the photo instead of putting a filter over it in post-process. You can download different lens and films and mix and match them. I think I have every one ever made. I seriously get just as excited about these upgrades, which are often free, as I would getting a new lens for my fancy camera, perhaps because I have my phone with me every where I go. Anywho, I was finally able to troubleshoot and get my app to work (THANK GOODNESS!!) and was THRILLED to see a new film pack out. It’s fabulous and creates that beautiful black frame you see around several of my images. And because of the lens I use, I get blurred images, created a baby tilt shift effect. You can go here  to learn more about it…I HIGHLY recommend it for any iPhone users out there. Another app that I enjoy if I am going to use filters over my photos in post-production is Picfx. That is the app I’ve primarily used the past few weeks and also where I get the great bokeh effects (that is the dots of lights you see around some of the edges of my photos). You can learn more about this app here.

7. I stopped in TJ Maxx and Target the other day and got a STEAL of a deal on some navy tights and a fabulous fall nail color. TJ has the best selection of fall tights with the greatest part being the price. Most are $5-7 and often for 2 pair! What’s crazy that some of these brands are sold at places like Anthropologie for $20+. No thank you.

8. Could the Lord have sent that to me at a better time? Nope. Always knowing what I need to hear and when. It just made smile when I woke up to this being the verse of the day. Some times it feels like I just can’t get enough sleep, but the Lord’s strength is sufficient.

9. THE BAG. Oh gee wilikers I am so happy to say this bag is now mine (technically on permanent loan but still…) My cousin David who has impeccable style and taste got this bag. My father, of equal style and taste, saw the beauty and obviously couldn’t resist. I immediately swooned when I saw this bag 4 or 5 years ago when he got it, begging for it right away because I could never afford such a bag. It’s the type of bag that makes you never have to buy another bag if you don’t want to; the need certainly goes out the window. It’s sturdy and made of delicious leather by this incredible company called Saddleback Leather. Their products are fantastic with an even greater story to match. So anywho, I lusted after this bag for years. I’ll leave out the details of it sitting in his office and rarely getting used. He even let me borrow it for a few months my senior year in college and then took it back. So imagine my thrill and joy when he told me our preacher’s wife had found an incredible company on Etsy that made leather bags and HE GOT ONE, which CLEARLY must have hurt this bag’s feelings…and he offered it to me!!!! The most fabulous part is it can also be a backpack and that is exactly how I intend to use it. Bah I’m so excited!!! The company on Etsy has beautiful stuff as well for a much more reasonable price tag..camel leather bags made in can check them out here. Thanks Allisha!!

Thank you all for lifting me up in prayer. Next week I will be introducing a new feature to the blog so stay tuned!! Have a blessed and relaxing weekend!


Week In Review!


Well it has been another lovely week here in DC. The start of a new month brings about cooler weather, with the promise of fall just around the corner. Well, at least that is what the weather channel predicts because it has been quite gross and humid this past week. I really thought I’d be escaping some humidity but it is still muggy and very reminiscent of home. I’m finding it harder and harder to peel myself out of bed in the mornings which I know will be an even bigger challenge when it begins staying dark later. With this new month brings a countdown to the arrival of one of the most fabulous people in my life, the beautiful Rachael. In fact, according to the countdown app on my phone, she will be here in 19 days, 8 hours, 9 minutes and 22 seconds. I mean, 13 seconds. I mean 7. Baha. Love seeing that timer just tick itself away. Not only does her visit mean seeing seeing her, it means: my semester will be half over, that I will get a 4 day vaca from work and the start of a new countdown, when Mo and Mawmaw will be here for Thanksgiving just a few weeks later. Rachael is one of those insta-friends I’ve talking about that has crated ridiculously high standards for new friends. We have so much fun planned for her visit. There is just nothing like being in the presence of people who know your heart.

I continue to fall in love with my program by the week. My classmates are incredible; so funny and RIDICULOUSLY talented. It’s an honor to be in this program with them and I can’t wait to see what the next two years brings us. I finally had a day in class where I actually felt prepared to be there and I gotta say, I like that type of living better. I hate this last minute, rushing business. Wow, who am I…that has certainly not been my motto in the past. Things I hate: being late and feeling unprepared. It’s like a brand new me. Well, on to my week in pictures!

1. The slightest hint of fall gives me reason to break out sweaters, dark nail polish and my jewel toned pants. As I was riding to Columbia Heights to meet up with some friends, I looked down and just saw fall colors. I love it.

2. I am finally, just now getting organized with all the paper I’ve been given by professors. For the cause of saving money, I decided to make some cute section dividers for the awesomely pink 3 ring binder I scored for $1 on sale at Walmart!! I love kraft paper, I love washi tape, I love letters…boom, done.

3. Fall also brings out the baker in me. While I think enjoying to cook and bake is very much in my DNA, fall also reminds me of baking with Sam and Kristen in college, specifically muffins. We would often do breakfast for dinner or make muffins just for kicks. So I got this urge decided to bring breakfast on Tuesday morning for class. I even put them in a basket and lined it with a fall themed towel. I am my mother’s child.

4. I’ve been using my iPad a lot for assignments just because it’s portable. It’s great at work and in fact, yesterday while I was getting my hair done, I completely edited and uploading to vimeo video footage in iMovie for my Advanced Multimedia class. On this night, our kitchen table was full of homeworky things, with me on one side, and Megan on the other. And on a completely nerdy side, I’m really excited because by the end of the semester I’m pretty sure my first Moleskine will be full. I rarely completely fill notebooks, unless they are journals and I’m excited at the prospect of having several Moleskines full with treasure troves of grad school notes.

5. I found this awesome desktop background as a free download online and just had to use it. You can get this same one and many more here. We all need little reminders here and there.

6. I am REALLY excited that fall is here, in case you didn’t get that message.

7. Just getting my hair did. I am now a fresh faced, goldeny brunette!

8. So several weeks ago I posted about a way too expensive macaroon I purchased from a bakery called Paul. I was so disappoint because I wanted so bad to like these beautiful little cookies I had been seeing all over the internet. But I just wasn’t impressed. And I obviously wasn’t going to go spend that kind of money on a different flavor because I was so disappointed the first time. Well, the other day when I was driving to school, I passed this little storefront in Georgetown called the Macaroon Bee that caught my eye and in that moment decided I couldn’t make up my mind yet about these bright little cookies. And oh. my. gosh. I can’t believe I ever thought about dismissing their presence in my life. After my hair appointment, I had some time to spare so I trekked up Wisconsin Ave. and walked into that shop and picked out 2: Coconut and Fleur de Sel Caramel. I had planned to take pictures of them really cute like to post on here but within 2-ish blocks I had devoured both and wished I had gotten a dozen. And the glorious thing is they were just over $1 each!! Talk about a steal! So scrumptious.

9. Got this bad boy last night. I can’t wait to start shooting on it. I think I will name him Frank. Classy like Sinatra, but with mad skills.

I do hope the weekend is full of sweater wearing, hot tea sipping fun for everyone. And I’m really excited because I’ve got some fun blog posts planned for the next week or two, so stay tuned!!
